@inproceedings{daume13semanticmt, title = {Modeling Syntactic and Semantic Structures in Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation}, author = {Junhui Li and Philip Resnik and and Hal {Daum\'e III}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL)}, year = {2013}, abstract = { Incorporating semantic structure into a linguistics-free translation model is challenging, since semantic structures are closely tied to syntax. In this paper, we propose a two-level approach to exploiting predicate-argument structure reordering in a hierarchical phrase-based translation model. First, we introduce linguistically motivated constraints into a hierarchical model, guiding translation phrase choices in favor of those that respect syntactic boundaries. Second, based on such translation phrases, we propose a predicate-argument structure reordering model that predicts reordering not only between an argument and its predicate, but also between two arguments. Experiments on Chinese-to-English translation demonstrate that both advances significantly improve translation accuracy. }, keywords = {nlp}, url = {http://pub.hal3.name/#daume13semanticmt}, }