from __future__ import division import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import norm def column_squishing(z, do_proj=True): # input: z has z_2 >= z_3 >= z_4 >= ... >= z_n # returns the projection of z into { x in R : 0 <= x_i <= x_1 <= 1 } # this is algorithm 5 from: # Factoring nonnegative matrices with linear programs # by Bittorf et al., June 2012 # proj01 = (lambda a: max(0, min(1, a))) if do_proj else (lambda a: a) proj0_ = (lambda a: max(0, a)) if do_proj else (lambda a: a) n = z.shape[0] assert len(z.shape) == 1 assert all([z[i] >= z[i+1] for i in xrange(1, n-1)]) mu = z[0] kc = n-1 for k in range(1, n): if z[k] <= proj01(mu): kc = k - 1 break mu = mu * k / (k+1) + z[k] / (k+1) x = np.zeros(n) + proj01(mu) for k in range(kc+1, n): x[k] = proj0_(z[k]) return x def min_delta(C, j): # solve: # min_delta sum_i delta_i^2 st delta_j >= delta_i + C_i for i != j # do a change of variables where # z = delta + D # then we want to solve # min_x ||x-z|| st x_j >= x_i for i != j # after reordering C so that D[0] = C[j] and D[1:] is sorted(C[!j]) # and then need to un-sort the results order = (-C).argsort() j_idx = (order == j).nonzero()[0][0] order2 = np.concatenate([[j], order[:j_idx], order[j_idx+1:]]) proj = column_squishing(C[order2], False) return proj[order2.argsort()] - C def multiclass_update(A, x, j): # given matrix A (R^k*d), x (R^d) and j, find B that solves: # min_B ||B-A||^2 st (xB)_j >= (xB)_i + 1 for all i != j # observe that any change will be in the direction of x # so compute scalars: # C_i = [ a_i - a_j + 1 ] / ||x||^2 # where a_i is x*A[i,:] k, d = A.shape a = C = (a - a[j] + 1) / C[j] = 0 delta = min_delta(C, j) return A + delta.reshape((k,1)).dot(x.reshape(1,d))