open Array open Printf open Bigarray module H = Hashtbl module A = Array1 type int_array = (int, int_elt, c_layout) A.t type float_pair = { c_t : float ; c_f : float } type dt_node = { split : int ; if_t : dt ; if_f : dt } and dt = Node of dt_node | Leaf of float_pair (* num true, num false *) let mkfp a b = { c_t = a ; c_f = b } let array_elem (a : int array) i = let _N = length a in let rec lin_search lo hi = (* search *includes* both lo and hi *) if a.(lo) == i then true else if lo >= hi then false else if a.(lo) < i then lin_search (lo+1) hi else false in let rec bin_search lo hi = if hi - lo < 5 then lin_search lo hi else let mi = (lo+hi) / 2 in if mi >= _N then lin_search lo hi else let v = a.(mi) in if v == i then true else if v < i then bin_search mi hi else bin_search lo mi in if _N == 0 then false else bin_search 0 (_N-1) let split_white_re = Str.regexp "[ \t]+" let split_white = Str.split split_white_re let dict = H.create 5 let dictN = ref 0 let get_fid str = try H.find dict str with Not_found -> ( let n = !dictN in incr dictN; H.replace dict str n; n ) let clean_up_dict fcounts minfc = let okay_f = H.create 5 in let id = ref 0 in H.iter (fun str f -> if H.find fcounts f > minfc then ( H.replace okay_f str !id; incr id; ) ) dict; dictN := !id; H.clear dict; H.iter (H.replace dict) okay_f; () let rec map_filter f = function [] -> [] | (x::xs) -> let r = map_filter f xs in try (f x) :: r with _ -> r let (/..) a b = if b == 0 then 0.5 else float_of_int a /. float_of_int b let predict dt x = let rec predict' = function Leaf p -> p.c_t /. (p.c_t +. p.c_f) | Node n -> predict' (if array_elem x n.split then n.if_t else n.if_f) in predict' dt let compute_tree_error tree = let rec cte acc = function Leaf p -> acc +. if p.c_t >= p.c_f then p.c_f else p.c_t | Node n -> cte (cte acc n.if_t) n.if_f in cte 0. tree let predict_committee dts x = fold_right (fun (a,dt) z -> z +. a *. predict dt x) dts 0. /. fold_right (fun (a,_) z -> z+.a) dts 0. let is_real_value f = match classify_float f with FP_infinite | FP_nan -> false | _ -> true let find_split_feature c_t c_f _F _Y _W used validEx = let sqr x = x *. x in let plp2 x = if x <= 0. || x >= 1. then 0. else if x < 0.2 then 0.468995593589281168 +. 3.16992500144231215 *. (x -. 0.10) -. 8.01497244938313 *. sqr (x -. 0.10) else if x < 0.5 then 0.934068055375491091 +. 0.893084796083488341 *. (x -. 0.35) -. 3.17075833162409548 *. sqr (x -. 0.35) else if x < 0.8 then 0.934068055375491091 -. 0.893084796083488341 *. (x -. 0.65) -. 3.17075833162409548 *. sqr (x -. 0.65) else 0.934068055375491091 -. 0.893084796083488341 *. (x -. 0.90) -. 3.17075833162409548 *. sqr (x -. 0.90) in let best = ref None in for f = 0 to length _F - 1 do let _Ff = _F.(f) in if not (H.mem used f) then ( let c_1t = ref 0. in let c_1f = ref 0. in for i = 0 to A.dim _Ff - 1 do let n = _Ff.{i} in if validEx.(n) > 0 then ( if _Y.(n) then c_1t := !c_1t +. _W.(n) else c_1f := !c_1f +. _W.(n); ); done; (* compute c_t *) (* if !c_1t > c_t then failwith ("c_t=" ^ string_of_float c_t ^ " c_1t=" ^ string_of_float !c_1t); if !c_1f > c_f then failwith ("c_f=" ^ string_of_float c_f ^ " c_1f=" ^ string_of_float !c_1f ^ " N=" ^ string_of_int (length _Y) ^ " l=" ^ string_of_int (A.dim _Ff)); *) let c_0t = max 0. (c_t -. !c_1t) in let c_0f = max 0. (c_f -. !c_1f) in let sz1 = !c_1t +. !c_1f in let sz0 = c_0t +. c_0f in match !best with None -> let h = (if sz1 > 0. then sz1 *. (plp2 (!c_1t /. sz1)) else 0.) +. (if sz0 > 0. then sz0 *. (plp2 ( c_0t /. sz0)) else 0.) in best := Some (h, (c_0t,c_0f,!c_1t,!c_1f), f) | Some (h',_,_) -> if sz0 > sz1 then ( let h0 = (if sz0 > 0. then sz0 *. (plp2 ( c_0t /. sz0)) else 0.) in if h0 < h' then let h = h0 +. (if sz1 > 0. then sz1 *. (plp2 (!c_1t /. sz1)) else 0.) in if h < h' then best := Some (h, (c_0t,c_0f,!c_1t,!c_1f), f) ) else ( let h0 = (if sz1 > 0. then sz1 *. (plp2 (!c_1t /. sz1)) else 0.) in if h0 < h' then let h = h0 +. (if sz0 > 0. then sz0 *. (plp2 ( c_0t /. sz0)) else 0.) in if h < h' then best := Some (h, (c_0t,c_0f,!c_1t,!c_1f), f) ) ) done; !best let trim_tree_same dt = let rec trim_tree_same' = function Node n -> let t = trim_tree_same' n.if_t in let f = trim_tree_same' n.if_f in (match t,f with Leaf p1, Leaf p2 -> let tp = p1.c_t /. (p1.c_t +. p1.c_f) in let fp = p2.c_t /. (p2.c_t +. p2.c_f) in if abs_float (tp -. fp) < 1e-6 then Leaf (mkfp (p1.c_t +. p2.c_t) (p1.c_f +. p2.c_f)) else Node { split = n.split ; if_t = t; if_f = f } | _ -> Node { split = n.split ; if_t = t; if_f = f }) | l -> l in trim_tree_same' dt (* for normal building, validEx None *) let build_dt (max_depth : int) (leaf_acc : float) (smooth : float) (validExO : int array option) (_F : int_array array) (_Y : bool array) (_W : float array) = eprintf "."; flush stderr; let _N = length _Y in let used = H.create 5 in let validEx = match validExO with None -> make _N 1 | Some a -> a in let myplus vex s = if vex > 0 then s+1 else s in let rec build_dt' depth c_t c_f = (* let dstr = String.make (depth*2) ' ' in *) let p_t = (smooth +. c_t) /. (c_t +. c_f +. 2. *. smooth) in let p_f = 1. -. p_t in if p_t < 0. || p_f < 0. then failwith ""; if c_t <= 0. || c_f <= 0. || min p_t p_f < leaf_acc || depth >= max_depth then Leaf (mkfp c_t c_f) else ( (* build the tree *) match find_split_feature c_t c_f _F _Y _W used validEx with None -> Leaf (mkfp c_t c_f) | Some (_,(c_0t,c_0f,c_1t,c_1f),f) -> let _Ff = _F.(f) in H.replace used f (); (* anything that has f set is not valid for right *) for m = 0 to A.dim _Ff - 1 do validEx.(_Ff.{m}) <- validEx.(_Ff.{m}) - 1; done; let r = build_dt' (depth+1) c_0t c_0f in (* now, anything that does have f set is valid for left *) for m = 0 to A.dim _Ff - 1 do validEx.(_Ff.{m}) <- validEx.(_Ff.{m}) + 2; done; for n = 0 to _N - 1 do validEx.(n) <- validEx.(n) - 1; done; let l = build_dt' (depth+1) c_1t c_1f in (* finally, return validEx to how it was before *) for m = 0 to A.dim _Ff - 1 do validEx.(_Ff.{m}) <- validEx.(_Ff.{m}) - 1; done; for n = 0 to _N - 1 do validEx.(n) <- validEx.(n) + 1; done; H.remove used f; Node { split = f ; if_t = l ; if_f = r } ) in let c_t = ref 0. in let c_f = ref 0. in for n = 0 to _N - 1 do if validEx.(n) > 0 then ( if _Y.(n) then c_t := !c_t +. _W.(n) else c_f := !c_f +. _W.(n); ) done; let t' = trim_tree_same (build_dt' 0 !c_t !c_f) in let treeerror = compute_tree_error t' in eprintf "%g..." treeerror; flush stderr; t' (* let transpose_data (_X : int array array) : int array array = let _N = length _X in let max_F = 1 + fold_right (fold_right max) _X 0 in let _F0 = init max_F (fun _ -> H.create 2) in iteri (fun n -> iter (fun f -> H.replace _F0.(f) n ())) _X; map (fun h -> let a = make (H.fold (fun _ _ c -> c+1) h 0) 0 in ignore (H.fold (fun k _ i -> a.(i) <- k; i+1) h 0); fast_sort compare a; a ) _F0 *) (* let ex_X = [| [| 0; 1; 2; 3 |] ; [| 0; 1; 4; 5 |] ; [| 0; 1; 2; 6 |] ; [| 0; 1; 4; 5 |] ; [| 0; 1; 3; 7 |] ; [| 0; 1; 4; 7 |] |] let ex_Y = [| true; false; true; false; true; false |] let ex_W = map (fun _ -> 1.) ex_Y let ex_F = transpose_data ex_X *) let build_bagged_dt (size : int) (max_depth : int) (leaf_acc : float) (smooth : float) _ (_F : int_array array) (_Y : bool array) (_W : float array) = let _N = length _Y in let validEx = make _N 1 in let new_W = make _N 0. in init size (fun _ -> let maxW = fold_right max _W 0. in for n = 0 to _N - 1 do validEx.(n) <- 0; new_W.(n) <- 0.; done; for n = 0 to _N - 1 do let m = _N in validEx.(m) <- 1; new_W.(m) <- new_W.(m) +. _W.(m); done; (1., build_dt max_depth leaf_acc smooth (Some validEx) _F _Y new_W) ) let build_boosted_dt (size : int) (max_depth : int) (leaf_acc : float) (smooth : float) (input_f : string) (_F : int_array array) (_Y : bool array) (_W : float array) = let _N = length _Y in let validEx = make _N 1 in let new_W = copy _W in let sum_W = fold_right (+.) _W 0. in let dts = make size (0., Leaf (mkfp 0. 0.)) in let logit y = log (y /. (1. -. y)) in let h = open_in input_f in let mrl () = try Some (input_line h) with End_of_file -> None in dts.(0) <- (1., build_dt max_depth leaf_acc smooth (Some validEx) _F _Y new_W); for i = 1 to size - 1 do seek_in h 0; let pred = make _N 0. in let rec read n = match mrl () with None -> () | Some l -> (match split_white l with (y::x) -> let x = of_list (map_filter (H.find dict) x) in fast_sort compare x; let p = predict (snd dts.(i-1)) x in pred.(n) <- p; read (n+1) | [] -> read n) in read 0; let error = ref 0. in for n = 0 to _N - 1 do let p = pred.(n) >= 0.5 in if p != _Y.(n) then error := !error +. _W.(n); done; if !error > 0. then ( let epsilon = !error /. sum_W in let alpha = 0.5 *. log ((1. -. epsilon) /. epsilon) in eprintf "[%g %g]" epsilon alpha; let sum = ref 0. in for n = 0 to _N - 1 do let p = pred.(n) >= 0.5 in let v = if p == _Y.(n) then exp (0. -. alpha) else exp alpha in pred.(n) <- v; sum := !sum +. v; done; for n = 0 to _N - 1 do new_W.(n) <- new_W.(n) *. pred.(n) /. !sum; done; dts.(i) <- (alpha, build_dt max_depth leaf_acc smooth (Some validEx) _F _Y new_W); ) else ( dts.(i) <- dts.(i-1); ); done; dts let build_single_dt (max_depth : int) (leaf_acc : float) (smooth : float) _ (_F : int_array array) (_Y : bool array) (_W : float array) = [|1., build_dt max_depth leaf_acc smooth None _F _Y _W |] let uniq (l : int list) = let rec uniq' = function [] -> [] | [x] -> [x] | (x::y::xs) -> if x == y then uniq' (y::xs) else x :: uniq' (y::xs) in uniq' l let of_list_rev list = match list with [] -> [||] | (x::_) -> let n = List.length list in let a = make n x in let i = ref (n-1) in List.iter (fun z -> a.(!i) <- z; decr i) list; a let load_data (minfc : int) (fp : string) = let h = open_in fp in let mrl () = try Some (input_line h) with End_of_file -> None in let _N = ref 0 in let fcount = H.create 10 in let add_count f = H.replace fcount f (1 + try H.find fcount f with Not_found -> 0) in let rec cnt () = match mrl () with None -> () | Some l -> (match split_white l with (y :: x) -> ( List.iter (fun z -> let f = get_fid z in add_count f) x; incr _N; cnt () ) | [] -> cnt ()) in cnt (); if minfc > 0 then clean_up_dict fcount minfc; let _F = init !dictN (fun _ -> ref []) in let _Y = make !_N false in let _W = make !_N 1. in seek_in h 0; let rec read n = match mrl () with None -> () | Some l -> (match split_white l with (y :: x) -> ( _Y.(n) <- float_of_string y > 0.5 ; List.iter (fun z -> try let f = get_fid z in if f < length _F then let a = _F.(get_fid z) in a := n :: !a with Not_found -> () ) x ; read (n+1) ) | [] -> read n) in read 0; (map (fun l -> A.of_array int c_layout (of_list_rev (uniq !l))) _F, _Y, _W) let predict_file model (fp : string) = let h = if fp = "-" then stdin else open_in fp in let sumW = ref 0. in let error = ref 0. in let mrl () = try Some (input_line h) with End_of_file -> None in let rec read () = match mrl () with None -> () | Some l -> (match split_white l with (y :: x) -> let y = float_of_string y > 0.5 in let x = of_list (map_filter (H.find dict) x) in fast_sort compare x; let v = predict_committee model x in let p = v > 0.5 in if y != p then error := !error +. 1.; sumW := !sumW +. 1.; printf "%g\n" v; read () | [] -> read ()) in read (); if fp <> "-" then close_in h; (!error, !sumW) let print_tree out dt = let rdict = make !dictN "" in H.iter (fun str n -> rdict.(n) <- str) dict; let rec print_tree' = function Leaf p -> fprintf out "L %g %g\n" p.c_t p.c_f | Node n -> ( fprintf out "N %s\n" rdict.(n.split) ; print_tree' n.if_t ; print_tree' n.if_f ) in print_tree' dt let rec read_tree h = let l = input_line h in match split_white l with ["N" ; feat] -> let s = get_fid feat in let t = read_tree h in let f = read_tree h in Node { split = s ; if_f = f ; if_t = t } | ["L" ; nt ; nf] -> Leaf (mkfp (float_of_string nt) (float_of_string nf)) | _ -> failwith ("malformed line: '" ^ l ^ "'") let load_model fp = let h = open_in fp in let size = int_of_string (input_line h) in let model = make size (0., Leaf (mkfp 0. 0.)) in for i = 0 to size - 1 do let alpha = float_of_string (input_line h) in let tree = read_tree h in model.(i) <- (alpha, tree); done; close_in h; model let () = let boost_size = ref None in let bag_size = ref None in let input_f = ref None in let load_dt = ref None in let max_d = ref 10 in let rho = ref 0. in let minfc = ref 1 in let usage = "usage: FastDT [-boost #|-bag #] [-load dtfile] [-maxd (10)] [-rho (0)] [-minfc (1)] \n" in let i = ref 1 in let _I = length Sys.argv in while !i < _I do if !i < _I-1 && Sys.argv.(!i) = "-boost" then ( boost_size := Some (int_of_string Sys.argv.(!i+1)) ; i := !i+2 ) else if !i < _I-1 && Sys.argv.(!i) = "-bag" then ( bag_size := Some (int_of_string Sys.argv.(!i+1)) ; i := !i+2 ) else if !i < _I-1 && Sys.argv.(!i) = "-load" then ( load_dt := Some (Sys.argv.(!i+1)) ; i := !i+2 ) else if !i < _I-1 && Sys.argv.(!i) = "-maxd" then ( max_d := int_of_string Sys.argv.(!i+1) ; i := !i+2 ) else if !i < _I-1 && Sys.argv.(!i) = "-rho" then ( rho := float_of_string Sys.argv.(!i+1) ; i := !i+2 ) else if !i < _I-1 && Sys.argv.(!i) = "-minfc" then ( minfc := int_of_string Sys.argv.(!i+1) ; i := !i+2 ) else if String.length Sys.argv.(!i) > 1 && String.get Sys.argv.(!i) 0 = '-' then failwith usage else ( input_f := Some Sys.argv.(!i); i := !i+1 ) done; let input_f = match !input_f with None -> failwith usage | Some s -> s in (match !load_dt with None -> ( let learn = match !boost_size, !bag_size with None , None -> build_single_dt | Some n, None -> build_boosted_dt n | None , Some n -> build_bagged_dt n | _ -> failwith "cannot specify both -boost and -bag" in eprintf "Loading data from %s...\n" input_f; flush stderr; let (_F,_Y,_W) = load_data !minfc input_f in eprintf "%d examples, %d features\n" (length _Y) (length _F); flush stderr; eprintf "Building model..."; let model = learn !max_d !rho 1e-6 input_f _F _Y _W in printf "%d\n" (length model); iter (fun (a,dt) -> printf "%g\n" a; print_tree stdout dt) model; eprintf "\n"; flush stderr; ) | Some dt_file -> eprintf "Loading model from %s...\n" dt_file; flush stderr; let model = load_model dt_file in eprintf "Predicting on %s...\n" input_f; flush stderr; let error,sum_W = predict_file model input_f in eprintf "Error = %g / %g = %g\n" error sum_W (error /. sum_W); () ); ()